Education  Ministry 

Discover Kansas Avenue

An Overview About

Education Ministry

Adriene Blayton

Adriene Blayton

Education Ministry Leader

The ministry’s purpose is to inform, promote, and provide information, guidance, and services to all students in grades kindergarten through post graduate school and their families. The organization of the committee consists of four smaller committees:

A). The Student Care Committee, provides various forms of support to students and families as deemed appropriate and necessary.

B).   The event planning committee, plans and coordinates fundraising activities and special events programs, along with training workshops whenever the need arises.

C).    The Scholarship/Educational Assistance committee, is in charge of investigating ways and means to provide funding resources, information and recommendations for Kansas Avenue- sponsored awards.

D).    The Professional enrichment committee- provides coaching for those preparing to enter into the job market.

Kansas Avenue Education Department

Kansas Avenue SDA Church

Annual Tuition Assistance
